Thanksgiving Break is a break. Not a chance to load extra work on students.
In other news, I'm pretty sure I ate my first Big Mac today. I have no recollection of ever eating one before. In my opinion, I haven't missed much. I confess that on occassion I enjoy greasy burgers, but they must be good, high quality burgers. The Big Mac is neither good nor high quality, and my sneaking suspicion is that it is not really hamburger meat either. Sorry Mickey D's, but I will always have an admiration for your All-White Meat Chicken McNuggets.
So, I have a confession. I have relapsed into my boy-band days, but with a modern band. The Backstreet Boys will always hold a special place in my heart. Howie D, you are my fire. My one desire. But I have found another group of pop-singing, heart-stealing, perfectly-coiffed boys to, at least temporarily, steal my heart. Push Play, please be my Midnight Romeo.