Last week, I took the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) as part of my internship. It turns out that I have a personality type that is only found in 1% of people. This explains so much. Additionally, I am supposedly the same personality type as Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Meryl Streep, and the Olsen twins. Part of the explanation of my type says that those with this personality persuasion are "often nontraditional" and may be misunderstood, because our thinking patterns are very different. We thrive on creativity, originality, and logic (Somewhat contradictory, but I guess that is why we are so difficult to understand). As I was reading the summary, it seemed very accurate. It also seemed to made sense with regards to my drive to complete an annual to do list. Variety, new experiences, and learning new things that others see as pointless are all parts of who I am as well and, in turn, why I choose to attempt to complete these lists.
Isn't psychology fun?
Have you taken the MBTI? Did the results seem to be accurate?
As of 2010, I began creating a yearly 52-task to-do list and then attempted to complete it by December 31 at 11:59:59 PM. Here's to Year Four.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I honestly have no idea what to title this post.
I have been realizing that my list this year is full of long-term tasks. Most of these have to be planned and executed over long periods of time. No instant gratification this year. Consequently, I have had to buckle down and get a rough idea of my time line. I have already thought of what I want to invent (#20) thanks to a rainy day yesterday. But more on that later. I don't want any of you stealing my idea and making a fortune on it. :)
Life has seemed like an episode of “The Twilight Zone” lately. A few days ago, I was approached by a modeling company. (I'm still trying to figure that one out...)
Modeling Rep: “Have you ever considered modeling? You are very tall.”
Me: “Actually, I’m really not. I’m not even 5’9”.”
Rep: “Well, you look like you are.”
Me: “But I’m not.”
If I were a model, I would more than likely get fired for being a smart aleck.
I have also sold half a dozen sheep’s brains now, but I don’t think that can count for any of this year’s tasks...
Task 48 is already a flop. But I have been taking more pictures than usual. I think maybe I’ll exchange that task for something else. Any ideas?
In other news, the house across the street from where I live caught on fire this morning. Nobody lived there, as it had been donated to the historical society to be renovated. Years and years of work and care had been put into that house. It was the oldest house in town, built in the 1840's, I think. I feel a bit like I have witnessed a death. There is something sadly poetic about watching a grandious Victorian house, full of almost 200 years of history, transform into a delapidated heap of smoke and ash within a matter of hours. It is all so exisitential and so very sad.
Life has seemed like an episode of “The Twilight Zone” lately. A few days ago, I was approached by a modeling company. (I'm still trying to figure that one out...)
Modeling Rep: “Have you ever considered modeling? You are very tall.”
Me: “Actually, I’m really not. I’m not even 5’9”.”
Rep: “Well, you look like you are.”
Me: “But I’m not.”
If I were a model, I would more than likely get fired for being a smart aleck.
I have also sold half a dozen sheep’s brains now, but I don’t think that can count for any of this year’s tasks...
Task 48 is already a flop. But I have been taking more pictures than usual. I think maybe I’ll exchange that task for something else. Any ideas?
In other news, the house across the street from where I live caught on fire this morning. Nobody lived there, as it had been donated to the historical society to be renovated. Years and years of work and care had been put into that house. It was the oldest house in town, built in the 1840's, I think. I feel a bit like I have witnessed a death. There is something sadly poetic about watching a grandious Victorian house, full of almost 200 years of history, transform into a delapidated heap of smoke and ash within a matter of hours. It is all so exisitential and so very sad.

Friday, January 14, 2011
100 Things I Want to Learn About: Part One (1-25)
1. The Branch Davidians
2. Kentucky Derby Etiquette and Protocol
3. Norse Mythology
4. Cryptozoology
5. Japanese Tea Ceremonies
6. History of Piracy
7. Ancient Egyptian literature
8. Catahoula Leopard Dogs
9. Norwegian Lundehunds
10. Secret Societies
11. Unusual Death Rituals
12. Anchoresses and Anchorites of the Middle Ages
13. Sumatran rabbits
14. History of makeup
15. Sumo Wrestling
16. Black Holes
17. Scandinavian Wedding Traditions
18. Caviar
19. Nazca (Nasca) Lines
20. Hildegard von Bingen
21. Sokushinbutsu monks in Japan (Beware the site of the link is a bit disturbing)
22. Strange Buildings Around the World
23. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
24. Zorbing in New Zealand
25. Echolocation in Humans
2. Kentucky Derby Etiquette and Protocol
3. Norse Mythology
4. Cryptozoology
5. Japanese Tea Ceremonies
6. History of Piracy
7. Ancient Egyptian literature
8. Catahoula Leopard Dogs
9. Norwegian Lundehunds
10. Secret Societies
11. Unusual Death Rituals
12. Anchoresses and Anchorites of the Middle Ages
13. Sumatran rabbits
14. History of makeup
15. Sumo Wrestling
16. Black Holes
17. Scandinavian Wedding Traditions
18. Caviar
19. Nazca (Nasca) Lines
20. Hildegard von Bingen
21. Sokushinbutsu monks in Japan (Beware the site of the link is a bit disturbing)
22. Strange Buildings Around the World
23. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
24. Zorbing in New Zealand
25. Echolocation in Humans
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The List
Things to do in 2011
1. Plant a tree.
2. Touch/pet/hold a tarantula.
3. Sing in the rain.
4. Bake a loaf of Challah bread.
5. Watch the sun rise and set within 24 hours.
6. Make a list of 100 things I want to learn about.
7. Go without fast food for 6 weeks. (Last year, it was 4 weeks)
8. Ride in a form of transportation I have never ridden in before.
9. Barter.
10. Spend the night in a castle/chateau/mansion.- Done! I had put this on my list before I knew I would be staying in a castle. Funny world.
11. See a "World's Biggest" something.
12. Graduate with a Master's degree.
13. Read a book in one month.
14. Attempt to break a Guiness World Record.
15. Visit a recording studio.
16. Learn how to perform a magic trick.
17. Kiss a llama or goat.
18. Solve the Rubik's cube (without cheating).
19. Shake hands with a politician.
20. Invent something.
21. Go to a motor racing event.
22. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
23. Enter a competition.
24. See a live platypus in person.
25. Try caviar.
26. Be silent for a day.
27. Make tiramisu.
28. Canada.
29. Climb a tree.
30. Go sans television/radio/movies/computer for one day each month.
31. Watch every John Hughes film.
32. Relax!
33. Be a vegetarian for a month (health-allowing).
33. Visit Tybee Island.
34. Try modelling.
35. Publish something.
36. Have an international dinner night. (Pick a random country and fix dishes from that country.)
37. Master a triple pirouette again.
38. Eat stuffed grape leaves.
39. Take a self-defense class.
40. Learn conversational Danish.
41. Attend a religious service that is different from mine.
42. Give a homeless person a meal.
43. Wear a flower/flowers in my hair.
44. Learn to play a new instrument.
45. Sing a solo in front of at least 100 people.
46. Mail a secret to PostSecret.
47. Learn how to pick a lock.
48. Take one picture every day for 365 days.
49. See Josh Groban in concert.
50. Watch (11?) movies from midnight to midnight without napping.
51. Meet another celebrity and try not to offend him/her this time.
52. Do something dangerous.
1 down. 51 to go.
1. Plant a tree.
2. Touch/pet/hold a tarantula.
3. Sing in the rain.
4. Bake a loaf of Challah bread.
5. Watch the sun rise and set within 24 hours.
6. Make a list of 100 things I want to learn about.
7. Go without fast food for 6 weeks. (Last year, it was 4 weeks)
8. Ride in a form of transportation I have never ridden in before.
9. Barter.
10. Spend the night in a castle/chateau/mansion.- Done! I had put this on my list before I knew I would be staying in a castle. Funny world.
11. See a "World's Biggest" something.
12. Graduate with a Master's degree.
13. Read a book in one month.
14. Attempt to break a Guiness World Record.
15. Visit a recording studio.
16. Learn how to perform a magic trick.
17. Kiss a llama or goat.
18. Solve the Rubik's cube (without cheating).
19. Shake hands with a politician.
20. Invent something.
21. Go to a motor racing event.
22. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
23. Enter a competition.
24. See a live platypus in person.
25. Try caviar.
26. Be silent for a day.
27. Make tiramisu.
28. Canada.
29. Climb a tree.
30. Go sans television/radio/movies/computer for one day each month.
31. Watch every John Hughes film.
32. Relax!
33. Be a vegetarian for a month (health-allowing).
33. Visit Tybee Island.
34. Try modelling.
35. Publish something.
36. Have an international dinner night. (Pick a random country and fix dishes from that country.)
37. Master a triple pirouette again.
38. Eat stuffed grape leaves.
39. Take a self-defense class.
40. Learn conversational Danish.
41. Attend a religious service that is different from mine.
42. Give a homeless person a meal.
43. Wear a flower/flowers in my hair.
44. Learn to play a new instrument.
45. Sing a solo in front of at least 100 people.
46. Mail a secret to PostSecret.
47. Learn how to pick a lock.
48. Take one picture every day for 365 days.
49. See Josh Groban in concert.
50. Watch (11?) movies from midnight to midnight without napping.
51. Meet another celebrity and try not to offend him/her this time.
52. Do something dangerous.
1 down. 51 to go.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Of castles, backgammon, and lessons learned
Happy 2011! I hope you all had an enjoyable New Year's. I know I did. I spent it in a castle. I met up with some dear friends I've known for years in a nearby metropolis to ring in the new year. And let me just say, when we pulled around a corner and saw the hotel/castle for the first time, our reaction was priceless.
"Oh. My. Word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding? No way! Nuh uh! What? This is INSANE!Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!"

Needless to say, we had a blast.
So, I've been working on finalizing my 2011 list. Thanks to some great suggestions from friends and various "Bucket List" websites, I have begun to assemble a working list. *Side note: I do not like to refer to my to-do lists as "bucket lists". They seem so negatively connotated, focusing on impending doom. But, I'm just sayin'...* And before I forget, I also completed one more task on my 2010 list on December 30. Thanks to a tutorial on my computer, I now know how to (poorly) play backgammon (Task 47). But alas, 2010 has come and gone. So, now it's time for the list for 2011, which will be revealed in my next post.
My goal with the 2011 list is similar to last year's goal in that I want to try new things and put myself in new and possibly uncomfortable situations. But what I really learned from attmepting to complete last year's list was that it takes effort to put ideas into action. Sure, it's easy to say, "I want to do such-and-such," but I found out it is a whole different ballgame to actually pursue it. For example, wanting to try a rutabaga is one thing. Buying it is another. After that, you can choose to let it sit on the counter and mold (which happened the first time) or you can grab a meat cleaver and hack it to pieces, fry it up, and actually eat it. This concept obviously also applies to things much larger than silly little to-do list tasks. Maybe that is what scares me the most about growing up. I'm on my own and it is now my own responsibility to make things happen. That excites and terrifies me at the same time. Sometimes, I wish I were back in preschool, waiting for my next juice box and naptime.
"Oh. My. Word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you kidding? No way! Nuh uh! What? This is INSANE!Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh! EEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!"
Needless to say, we had a blast.
So, I've been working on finalizing my 2011 list. Thanks to some great suggestions from friends and various "Bucket List" websites, I have begun to assemble a working list. *Side note: I do not like to refer to my to-do lists as "bucket lists". They seem so negatively connotated, focusing on impending doom. But, I'm just sayin'...* And before I forget, I also completed one more task on my 2010 list on December 30. Thanks to a tutorial on my computer, I now know how to (poorly) play backgammon (Task 47). But alas, 2010 has come and gone. So, now it's time for the list for 2011, which will be revealed in my next post.
My goal with the 2011 list is similar to last year's goal in that I want to try new things and put myself in new and possibly uncomfortable situations. But what I really learned from attmepting to complete last year's list was that it takes effort to put ideas into action. Sure, it's easy to say, "I want to do such-and-such," but I found out it is a whole different ballgame to actually pursue it. For example, wanting to try a rutabaga is one thing. Buying it is another. After that, you can choose to let it sit on the counter and mold (which happened the first time) or you can grab a meat cleaver and hack it to pieces, fry it up, and actually eat it. This concept obviously also applies to things much larger than silly little to-do list tasks. Maybe that is what scares me the most about growing up. I'm on my own and it is now my own responsibility to make things happen. That excites and terrifies me at the same time. Sometimes, I wish I were back in preschool, waiting for my next juice box and naptime.
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