Saturday, January 9, 2010

Of British accents, cool points, and Harry Potter

News: I got food poisoning last night. I was afraid I'd be set back a bit (and maybe I was) in completing the first task on my list, but I am happy to say I read a little tonight and plan on reading a bit more. This book is fantastic! Not in the entertaining kind of way, but in the socially conscious, makes-you-think kind of way.

Harry Potter is on. I wish I talked like the British. "Turn out your pockets." "It's just a bit of parchment." That is so much cooler than "Show me what's in your pockets, brat." "Dude, it's just a crapload of paper. Chill." This is why I must promptly move to England, acquire a British accent, and gain about 1,000 cool points. I have been seriously lacking in cool points recently. A British accent might help in that area.

Now I am just rambling. That's all for now.

1 comment:

  1. British accents alone are worth over 1000 cool points. Last I heard, they could earn up to 5000, depending upon dialect and authenticity. :-)
