I have tried to avoid embarrassment in my 23 years of life. I confess, this has been highly unsuccessful. Today was definitely one moment to go high up on my list of the more embarrassing ones.
I went to the Navy Sea Chanters concert today with my aunt and uncle (which was AMAZING- they are so talented). I was in an aisle seat on the 2nd row, stage left. BAD idea. Five of the male singers were singing songs from the musical "Jersey Boys" which are all songs orignially sung by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. They started out with "Sherri Baby" and moved on to "Big Girls Don't Cry." I saw one of them look at me, which was originally nothing to make me too terribly nervous. But... then "Ragdoll" began, he grabbed a mic, and started walking toward the stairs, disappears, then appears on the floor, leaning against the wall, looking directly at me with this theatrical face. I just kept thinking, "Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. Oh, no. Why is he walking toward me? What do I do? Could he catch me if I ran? What if I just slide down to the floor and hide under my chair? I wonder if anyone would notice." But, alas, he showed up right in front of me, followed by a video camera, so all options of escape were thrown out the window. He kept singing to me and even got down on one knee. Then, he stood up, offered his arm, motioned for me to stand up, practically pulled me to my feet, twirled me and kept on singing. So... I tried to kind of play along, and was okay until I realized he had started walking up the aisle, while I was still attached to his arm, so he continued singing as he pulled me along. Keep in mine, this was in the presence of probably 300-400 people and a video camera, which was might close to our faces. Oh, and I was as red as a fire engine. And shaking. Finally, he led me back to my seat for me to sit down, but not before he grabbed boh my hands, looked directly in my eyes and then backed away slowly. All very theatrical. All very embarrassing. All in front of my aunt and uncle and 300+ people. According to my aunt and uncle I have a new nickname. I'll give you one hint. I begins with an R and ends with an -agdoll.
So.... can this count for Task 39 (Make myself look stupid on purpose)? I mean, it originally was not on purpose, but I technically could have chosen not to stand up. Right? Or I could count it as Task 13 (Smile at a stranger.) What do the judges have to say?
And... for fun, here's the video version of the whole medley .You can see how truly talented they are. These are the same singers from today's performance. "Ragdoll" begins around 2:20, but I definitely recommend watching it all. They are pretty funny and very talented. I should have done what the woman in this video did.
As of 2010, I began creating a yearly 52-task to-do list and then attempted to complete it by December 31 at 11:59:59 PM. Here's to Year Four.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
This is the day that the Lord has made.
Quotation of the Day:
A professor's way of explaining what the difference is between nonbizarre and bizarre delusions: "'My wife's cheating on me.' Nonbizarre delusion. 'My wife's cheating on me with an alien.' Bizarre delusion. 'My wife's cheating on me with Tiger Woods?' Could go either way…"
As much as I feel grad school might be the end of my sanity, it is definitely entertaining.
Question of the day:
Why are we drawn to things we despise, disagree with, or are generally repulsed by?
For example, I loathe movies that feed women the idea that they will not be happy without a husband and that their main goal in life should be to get married and have babies and bake bread. Call me a feminist. Whatever. And yet, I spent the greater part of today watching the Love Saga on the Hallmark channel. Granted, the whole time I was yelling at the TV, saying things such as, "This is CRAP!" and "What? Just say no! You've only known him a week and a half! What if he is really a fugitive from the law? Or a polygamist? Or hates music????" I don't understand my choices of entertainment sometimes.
Puzzle of the day:
Who is the actor who plays Willoughby from the BBC version of "Sense and Sensibility"? I'm almost 100% positive I've seen him in something else, but I just can't put my finger on what else he's acted in. Any ideas?
Happy thought of the day:
The weather has been remarkable over the past few days. All are in happier spirits and my hip is enjoying the lack of rain and joint-unfriendly changes in barometric pressure. Church is tomorrow, then a concert by the Navy Sea Chanters.
What are some things that have made you happy this week?
A professor's way of explaining what the difference is between nonbizarre and bizarre delusions: "'My wife's cheating on me.' Nonbizarre delusion. 'My wife's cheating on me with an alien.' Bizarre delusion. 'My wife's cheating on me with Tiger Woods?' Could go either way…"
As much as I feel grad school might be the end of my sanity, it is definitely entertaining.
Question of the day:
Why are we drawn to things we despise, disagree with, or are generally repulsed by?
For example, I loathe movies that feed women the idea that they will not be happy without a husband and that their main goal in life should be to get married and have babies and bake bread. Call me a feminist. Whatever. And yet, I spent the greater part of today watching the Love Saga on the Hallmark channel. Granted, the whole time I was yelling at the TV, saying things such as, "This is CRAP!" and "What? Just say no! You've only known him a week and a half! What if he is really a fugitive from the law? Or a polygamist? Or hates music????" I don't understand my choices of entertainment sometimes.
Puzzle of the day:
Who is the actor who plays Willoughby from the BBC version of "Sense and Sensibility"? I'm almost 100% positive I've seen him in something else, but I just can't put my finger on what else he's acted in. Any ideas?
Happy thought of the day:
The weather has been remarkable over the past few days. All are in happier spirits and my hip is enjoying the lack of rain and joint-unfriendly changes in barometric pressure. Church is tomorrow, then a concert by the Navy Sea Chanters.
What are some things that have made you happy this week?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pardon the Blandness
To satisfy my seemingly constant need for change, I've been searching for a new template. And that lime green was grating on my nerves. I love green, but there's gotta be some limits, right? I have yet to decide on one, and due to sheer exhaustion, have settled on this stark white template temporarily. I know, I know. It's about exciting as a denture commercial, but I promise, it will not be here long.
In more exciting news: I saw a van full of Girl Scout Cookies today. Is it really Girl Scout cookie season? I wants me some Thin Mints and Samoas. Me want cookies. Me don't need cookies. Me need celery and broccoli and healthy food.
Speaking of healthy food, I have gone 24 days sans fast food (excepting two excusable, previously mentioned detours). I was walking into the house and smelled French fries. I don't even like French fries all that much, but my hiatus from McDonald's and Friends seems to have brought about olfactory hallucinations. In all honesty, the positive impact this fast food-free life has done on my wallet and my health has really caused me to consider nixing fast food all together (except in some situations, i.e. travel). I generally eat like a health nut, but my frantic schedule had me thinking I only had time for drive thrus. That's a lie, my friends. A lie! It is a) much cheaper and b) not very time-consuming to go grocery shopping and prepare easy to grab meals that are far less likely to cause cardiovascular disease or some extra poundage.
Four more days until the task is complete, but I may have a new lifestyle change. Sorry Mickey D's. It's not me. It's you.
On a similar note: I've been considering venturing into quasi-vegetarianism for one month on a trial-basis. I've been researching it for about 6 months now. Any thoughts? Experiences? Suggestions? Warnings?
Oh! Before I forget! I went up on pointe shoes today for the first time since possibly 2008 or early 2009. The class I assist began lectures on ballet, so my boss asked me to bring the ol' pointe shoes and put them on and flitter around stage. It was great, except that my boss literally had to support me while I was on my toes. Someone told me today, "Hey! That's cool that you did that. I bet the students really enjoyed it." But, I'm pretty sure they were waiting for me to fall off the stage. It's all for the sake of academia.
In more exciting news: I saw a van full of Girl Scout Cookies today. Is it really Girl Scout cookie season? I wants me some Thin Mints and Samoas. Me want cookies. Me don't need cookies. Me need celery and broccoli and healthy food.
Speaking of healthy food, I have gone 24 days sans fast food (excepting two excusable, previously mentioned detours). I was walking into the house and smelled French fries. I don't even like French fries all that much, but my hiatus from McDonald's and Friends seems to have brought about olfactory hallucinations. In all honesty, the positive impact this fast food-free life has done on my wallet and my health has really caused me to consider nixing fast food all together (except in some situations, i.e. travel). I generally eat like a health nut, but my frantic schedule had me thinking I only had time for drive thrus. That's a lie, my friends. A lie! It is a) much cheaper and b) not very time-consuming to go grocery shopping and prepare easy to grab meals that are far less likely to cause cardiovascular disease or some extra poundage.
Four more days until the task is complete, but I may have a new lifestyle change. Sorry Mickey D's. It's not me. It's you.
On a similar note: I've been considering venturing into quasi-vegetarianism for one month on a trial-basis. I've been researching it for about 6 months now. Any thoughts? Experiences? Suggestions? Warnings?
Oh! Before I forget! I went up on pointe shoes today for the first time since possibly 2008 or early 2009. The class I assist began lectures on ballet, so my boss asked me to bring the ol' pointe shoes and put them on and flitter around stage. It was great, except that my boss literally had to support me while I was on my toes. Someone told me today, "Hey! That's cool that you did that. I bet the students really enjoyed it." But, I'm pretty sure they were waiting for me to fall off the stage. It's all for the sake of academia.
fast food,
Girl Scout cookies,
pointe shoes,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Maybe Mordor is Really in Georgia
On my way to work today, I saw a hobbit. I almost crashed into the car in front of me. There he was in full hobbit regalia, complete with a walking stick (or was it an umbrella?). It definitely provided a boost to my rather blah kind of Monday, that's for sure. I just wish I had a camera and the ability to drive and take pictures at the same time.
I also was screeched at by a squirrel. Mondays are weird.
Ok, kiddies, I am now in possession of a rutabaga (Task #2) . It looks nothing like the beautiful picture they show on Google images. Shall we do a little compare and contrast?
Publix had the blandest rutabagas on the planet, I do believe. But a rutabaga's a rutabaga.
Plans to cook this thing are underway. Wednesday or Friday are the biggest possibilities as of right now. Any recipe ideas?
In Olympic news: Ice dance free skate is on right now. The Canadians, Virtue and Moyer, just skated and I almost cried it was so beautiful. What was your favorite performance over the three ice dancing nights? Mine is the Canadians in the white costumes and the Americans who danced to a Phantom of the Opera medley (Can't get enough Andrew Lloyd Webber).
Also, I've been cyber-stalking my long-time Olympian crush Shaun White a bit, and I came across this pretty stinkin' funny video that is part of his campaign back in the day for HP.
I also was screeched at by a squirrel. Mondays are weird.
Ok, kiddies, I am now in possession of a rutabaga (Task #2) . It looks nothing like the beautiful picture they show on Google images. Shall we do a little compare and contrast?

Publix had the blandest rutabagas on the planet, I do believe. But a rutabaga's a rutabaga.
Plans to cook this thing are underway. Wednesday or Friday are the biggest possibilities as of right now. Any recipe ideas?
In Olympic news: Ice dance free skate is on right now. The Canadians, Virtue and Moyer, just skated and I almost cried it was so beautiful. What was your favorite performance over the three ice dancing nights? Mine is the Canadians in the white costumes and the Americans who danced to a Phantom of the Opera medley (Can't get enough Andrew Lloyd Webber).
Also, I've been cyber-stalking my long-time Olympian crush Shaun White a bit, and I came across this pretty stinkin' funny video that is part of his campaign back in the day for HP.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Yep. I still hate tomatoes.
Hello boys and girls. How's your week been? Olympics have been great, have they not? And my prediction regarding Men's Figure Skating came true! Maybe I should go into sports betting... Yay Evan Lysenchek!
This week has been one for the books, I fear. I literally had a nervous breakdown over an online class. Yes, I know. Pathetic. However, the weekend is here, I slept in until the afternoon, I'm currently half-watching Notting Hill (LOVE HUGH GRANT) and...
I completed a task!! Probably the most revolting of all the tasks on the list. I was at a get-together for the clinical psychology program and there they were... a whole slew of grape tomatoes. I would have much rather eaten the rutabaga I've been blogging about for weeks now, but I have yet to get around to the grocery store to see if I can actually find a rutabaga in this town. Literally, grad school has been eating all my time. BUT I did eat an entire one of those awful grape tomatoes (Task 22). Y'all, it was disgusting. Don't believe me?


It took about 4 hours to get the taste out of my mouth/mind. If I didn't have a psychologically-based taste-aversion to those disgusting things before, I sure do now.
Ok, class, let's review:
#9- Introduce myself to a random stranger. DONE
#10- Go 1 month without eating any fast food- IN PROGRESS
I have a confession. I accidentally ate a barbeque sandwhich from DQ tonight. Mid-way through, I realized my mistake. HOWEVER, I did not get it myself. My uncle asked me if I wanted him to get me one when he went out for them, and in the mindset of "I'm broke and love free food" I automatically said, "Yes please." SO, since I didn't actually purchase it myself and in the spirit of frugality, I'm going to let it slide. As my panel of judges, is this okay?
#14- Memorize how to say "hello" in 10 languages. DONE
I will eventually get around to posting the video on youtube or something. I promise I completed this task, but the video is boring, I'm not going to lie. However, I have been told it is needed as evidence. Oh, ye of little faith.
#19- Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do. DONE (I think)
#22- Eat an entire grape tomato. DONE
#24- Write a letter to a person in the military. DONE
6 down. 47 to go.
Question of the day: What's your favorite Hugh Grant movie? My answer: it's a tie between Sense and Sensibility and Two Weeks Notice, with Music and Lyrics right on their heels.
This week has been one for the books, I fear. I literally had a nervous breakdown over an online class. Yes, I know. Pathetic. However, the weekend is here, I slept in until the afternoon, I'm currently half-watching Notting Hill (LOVE HUGH GRANT) and...
I completed a task!! Probably the most revolting of all the tasks on the list. I was at a get-together for the clinical psychology program and there they were... a whole slew of grape tomatoes. I would have much rather eaten the rutabaga I've been blogging about for weeks now, but I have yet to get around to the grocery store to see if I can actually find a rutabaga in this town. Literally, grad school has been eating all my time. BUT I did eat an entire one of those awful grape tomatoes (Task 22). Y'all, it was disgusting. Don't believe me?


It took about 4 hours to get the taste out of my mouth/mind. If I didn't have a psychologically-based taste-aversion to those disgusting things before, I sure do now.
Ok, class, let's review:
#9- Introduce myself to a random stranger. DONE
#10- Go 1 month without eating any fast food- IN PROGRESS
I have a confession. I accidentally ate a barbeque sandwhich from DQ tonight. Mid-way through, I realized my mistake. HOWEVER, I did not get it myself. My uncle asked me if I wanted him to get me one when he went out for them, and in the mindset of "I'm broke and love free food" I automatically said, "Yes please." SO, since I didn't actually purchase it myself and in the spirit of frugality, I'm going to let it slide. As my panel of judges, is this okay?
#14- Memorize how to say "hello" in 10 languages. DONE
I will eventually get around to posting the video on youtube or something. I promise I completed this task, but the video is boring, I'm not going to lie. However, I have been told it is needed as evidence. Oh, ye of little faith.
#19- Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do. DONE (I think)
#22- Eat an entire grape tomato. DONE
#24- Write a letter to a person in the military. DONE
6 down. 47 to go.
Question of the day: What's your favorite Hugh Grant movie? My answer: it's a tie between Sense and Sensibility and Two Weeks Notice, with Music and Lyrics right on their heels.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Study for a test? Who does that?
For Valentine's Day, a very dear (and funny) friend sent me the perfect Valentine's day present.

His name is Mr. Right When You Need Him. He is handsome, charming, cardboard, and stands about three inches tall. Perfect.

Meant to be.
"You're not a good Amish person unless you're kicking your horse." -A professor
I'm studying for my first test of the semester and came across that quote in the midst of my notes. Classic.
So... Team USA won some major gold medalage yesterday. Shaun White, Lindsay Vonn, Shani Davis, and Apollo Ohno represented and kicked some major rear end. Congratulations to them! Men's figure skating long programs are tonight. My prediction: Evan Lysencheck for the gold, the Russian guy (can't spell his name) for the silver, and the Japenese guy with cool hair for the bronze. However, a certain flamboyant personality by the name of Mr. Johnny Weir might bring his A-game and knock someone off the podium. Who knows?
Still haven't bought a rutabaga yet. That's a goal this weekend. First, I must survive a test. Grad level tests are the equivalent of semester exam in undergrad. I can feel the burnout coming soon.
Welcome, burnout. Glad you're here, but you're late.
Question of the day: What's your favorite WInter Olympic sport?

His name is Mr. Right When You Need Him. He is handsome, charming, cardboard, and stands about three inches tall. Perfect.

Meant to be.
"You're not a good Amish person unless you're kicking your horse." -A professor
I'm studying for my first test of the semester and came across that quote in the midst of my notes. Classic.
So... Team USA won some major gold medalage yesterday. Shaun White, Lindsay Vonn, Shani Davis, and Apollo Ohno represented and kicked some major rear end. Congratulations to them! Men's figure skating long programs are tonight. My prediction: Evan Lysencheck for the gold, the Russian guy (can't spell his name) for the silver, and the Japenese guy with cool hair for the bronze. However, a certain flamboyant personality by the name of Mr. Johnny Weir might bring his A-game and knock someone off the podium. Who knows?
Still haven't bought a rutabaga yet. That's a goal this weekend. First, I must survive a test. Grad level tests are the equivalent of semester exam in undergrad. I can feel the burnout coming soon.
Welcome, burnout. Glad you're here, but you're late.
Question of the day: What's your favorite WInter Olympic sport?
Apollo Ohno,
grad school,
Johnny Weir,
Lindsay Vonn,
Shani Davis,
Shaun White
Monday, February 15, 2010
Karaoke curling is my Olympic sport.
I have decided, due to an overload of information to process for an upcoming personality assessment exam, to postpone my attempt to memorize 99 Luftballons in German (Task 8) until later. So, in its stead, Task 2 is on the docket. I did some research and found out that rutabagas are around in the autumn and winter. I was also surprised to find that they look a lot different than I thought. I must have been picturing a rhubarb. Rutabagas are similar to turnips, so this should be interesting.
I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday. I ate way too much chocolate, and, as predicted, watched Hallmark movies. Those things are great targets for sarcasm and pent-up negative energy. One that stands out in my oh-so-cynical mind is about three very different sisters who all get engaged at the same time. It's very Father of the Bride-esque, except lacking in humor, good acting, and semi-believable plot. The sisters have a triple-wedding and chaos ensues (in a very controlled, family-friendly, Hallmark way). I think it's called "Wedding Daze." If you enjoy movies that subliminal feed the message that you should be married by the age of 25 or you won't be happy, watch it. If you enjoy making fun of such movies, watch it. If you have a low-tolerance for bad acting and ridiculous attmepts at plots, don't watch it.
Moving on. Did you all see the Chinese pairs team last night????? One of the most beautiful, emotional performances I have ever seen. They are going to perform last tonight for their long program. Call me unpatriotic if you will, but I'm rooting for them to win. They came as close to perfection as you can get last night. Now, believe me, I've been rooting for my home country, but talent is talent, folks. Ice dance, however, will find me hooping and hollering for the two American pairs who have a mighty good chance of winning.
Can you tell I'm loving the Olympics?? I've decided to invent snow ballet and karaoke curling, so that I can partipate in the 2014 Games. Shaun White, we will be friends.
I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday. I ate way too much chocolate, and, as predicted, watched Hallmark movies. Those things are great targets for sarcasm and pent-up negative energy. One that stands out in my oh-so-cynical mind is about three very different sisters who all get engaged at the same time. It's very Father of the Bride-esque, except lacking in humor, good acting, and semi-believable plot. The sisters have a triple-wedding and chaos ensues (in a very controlled, family-friendly, Hallmark way). I think it's called "Wedding Daze." If you enjoy movies that subliminal feed the message that you should be married by the age of 25 or you won't be happy, watch it. If you enjoy making fun of such movies, watch it. If you have a low-tolerance for bad acting and ridiculous attmepts at plots, don't watch it.
Moving on. Did you all see the Chinese pairs team last night????? One of the most beautiful, emotional performances I have ever seen. They are going to perform last tonight for their long program. Call me unpatriotic if you will, but I'm rooting for them to win. They came as close to perfection as you can get last night. Now, believe me, I've been rooting for my home country, but talent is talent, folks. Ice dance, however, will find me hooping and hollering for the two American pairs who have a mighty good chance of winning.
Can you tell I'm loving the Olympics?? I've decided to invent snow ballet and karaoke curling, so that I can partipate in the 2014 Games. Shaun White, we will be friends.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Of spark-producing tap shoes, my long-time crush on Shaun White, and sappy Hallmark movies
I have decided that I did indeed complete Task 19 and will therefore consider it completed, per urging of my friend Creaves. So, what is that? 5 down, 47 to go? Or something like that.
The Olympics opened yesterday. I have been loving it! A skater from Korea won gold and Apollo Ohno and J.R. Celski won silver and bronze. Congrats to all of them! Ohno now has won 6 Olympic medals in his Olympic career. Amazing.
I cannot contain my excitement to see Shaun White (a longtime secret crush of mine... I'm talking years and years) present his double cork trick (or whatever it's technically called) and maybe some other tricks he's got hidden up his sleeve during his events!!!! Did you know that Red Bull sponsored a secret half-pipe with a foam pit hidden in Colorado for him to develop his tricks? Is that cool or what????
Did y'all see the opening ceremonies last night? Beautiful! The tap dancing and the flying scenes were probably my favorites. But the First Nations' dancers who danced for at least 45 minutes straight were awesome as well. That takes some athleticism and STAMINA. I really, really want some fiery tap shoes. Those are definitely going on my Christmas wishlist.
Valentine's Day is officially in 23 minutes. I've gotten around to my prediction early, as I am already watching a Hallmark movie (and have watched snippets of others earlier), and have been working on catching up on work.
So... what's your favorite Valentine's day-related song? Anti-Valentine's day song?
The Olympics opened yesterday. I have been loving it! A skater from Korea won gold and Apollo Ohno and J.R. Celski won silver and bronze. Congrats to all of them! Ohno now has won 6 Olympic medals in his Olympic career. Amazing.
I cannot contain my excitement to see Shaun White (a longtime secret crush of mine... I'm talking years and years) present his double cork trick (or whatever it's technically called) and maybe some other tricks he's got hidden up his sleeve during his events!!!! Did you know that Red Bull sponsored a secret half-pipe with a foam pit hidden in Colorado for him to develop his tricks? Is that cool or what????
Did y'all see the opening ceremonies last night? Beautiful! The tap dancing and the flying scenes were probably my favorites. But the First Nations' dancers who danced for at least 45 minutes straight were awesome as well. That takes some athleticism and STAMINA. I really, really want some fiery tap shoes. Those are definitely going on my Christmas wishlist.
Valentine's Day is officially in 23 minutes. I've gotten around to my prediction early, as I am already watching a Hallmark movie (and have watched snippets of others earlier), and have been working on catching up on work.
So... what's your favorite Valentine's day-related song? Anti-Valentine's day song?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
My Top 10 List of the Best Songs for Valentine's Day, Vol. 1-3
*Disclaimer: These are the top 10 songs that have come to mind. These lists are definitely not exhaustive and not necessarily in much of an order.*
Volume 1: Songs for the Romantically Involved
10. "All I Ask of You" from The Phantom of the Opera
9. "Your Song" by Sir Elton John
8. "Passenger Seat" by Death Cab for Cutie
7. "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
6. "Syrup and Honey" by Duffy
5. "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds
4. "Everblue" by Mandy Moore
3. "I'm Yours" by The Script
2. "Mi Morena" by Josh Groban/"When You Say You Love Me" by Josh Groban (It's a tie)
1. "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain
Volume 2: Songs for the Hopeless Romantic
10. "In His Eyes" from Jekyll and Hyde
9. "Somewhere" from West Side Story
8. "The Guy Who Says Goodbye to You is Out of His Mind" by Griffin House
7. "Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg
6. "Keep on Loving You" by REO Speedwagon
5. "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
4. "Soulmate" by Natasha Beddingfield
3. "I Want You to Want Me" by Cheap Trick
2. "I Just Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble
1. "So She Dances" by Josh Groban
Just for Fun: Taylor the Latte Boy
Volume 3: Songs for the "No, I Do Not Want to Be Your Valentine"/"I Don't Need Your Pity-Because-I'm-Single"/"I Will Kick You If You Say You Know Someone Perfect For Me" types
10. "I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett
9. "Kerosene" by Miranda Lambert
8. "Said and Done" by Meiko
7. "Bust Your Windows" by Jazmine Sullivan/redone by the cast of Glee
6. "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar
5. "Broken Vow" by Josh Groban
4. "I'm Gonna Find Another You" by John Mayer
3. "Beautiful Disaster" by Jon McLaughlin
2. "My Confession" by Josh Groban
1. "On My Own" from Les Miserables
Volume 1: Songs for the Romantically Involved
10. "All I Ask of You" from The Phantom of the Opera
9. "Your Song" by Sir Elton John
8. "Passenger Seat" by Death Cab for Cutie
7. "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat
6. "Syrup and Honey" by Duffy
5. "The Luckiest" by Ben Folds
4. "Everblue" by Mandy Moore
3. "I'm Yours" by The Script
2. "Mi Morena" by Josh Groban/"When You Say You Love Me" by Josh Groban (It's a tie)
1. "I'll Be" by Edwin McCain
Volume 2: Songs for the Hopeless Romantic
10. "In His Eyes" from Jekyll and Hyde
9. "Somewhere" from West Side Story
8. "The Guy Who Says Goodbye to You is Out of His Mind" by Griffin House
7. "Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop" by Landon Pigg
6. "Keep on Loving You" by REO Speedwagon
5. "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" by The Beatles
4. "Soulmate" by Natasha Beddingfield
3. "I Want You to Want Me" by Cheap Trick
2. "I Just Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble
1. "So She Dances" by Josh Groban
Just for Fun: Taylor the Latte Boy
Volume 3: Songs for the "No, I Do Not Want to Be Your Valentine"/"I Don't Need Your Pity-Because-I'm-Single"/"I Will Kick You If You Say You Know Someone Perfect For Me" types
10. "I Hate Myself for Loving You" by Joan Jett
9. "Kerosene" by Miranda Lambert
8. "Said and Done" by Meiko
7. "Bust Your Windows" by Jazmine Sullivan/redone by the cast of Glee
6. "Love is a Battlefield" by Pat Benatar
5. "Broken Vow" by Josh Groban
4. "I'm Gonna Find Another You" by John Mayer
3. "Beautiful Disaster" by Jon McLaughlin
2. "My Confession" by Josh Groban
1. "On My Own" from Les Miserables
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Statistics is not My Friend
Well, yet again, I slacked off on Task #8 (or was it #10?) The 99 Luftballons one. Before you judge me, let me plead my case. All three of my professors have decided to ignore the fact that we all have LIVES outside of graduate school, let alone classes other than theirs, and have instead decided to focus on piling on insane amounts of work due in short time periods. I cannot complain, really. I guess it could be much worse. But, needless to say, this week has kept me on my toes. For example, for the past 3 hours, I've been working on an annotated analysis of a 2-way ANOVA between-subjects design. I know. Fascinating. I've about come to the point where I have to manually hold my eyelids open in order to focus on it anymore. Thankfully, it's almost finished and not due til tomorrow afternoon, so there's still time.
I did kind of complete a task tonight...
19. Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do.
But, truth be told, it was not completely spontaneous (I had to get some encouragement), so I'm not going to count it. I allow myself no slack. It's a personality fault, I've been told. But it was very out-of-character. I hit on Josh Groban. Twice. Which, although unlikely, not the most unlikely thing about it. The joke involved (light) bodily-function humor (not trashy, mind you). Always prim and proper Jess is breaking out of her shell, ladies and gentleman. My mama would be so ashamed. But she doesn't need to know...
So, altough the task doesn't count as being completed, I feel a sense of accomplishment, even though I'm so tempted to delete the pick-up line out of embarrassment. In psychology, though, we call this a shame-attacking exercise. It's for my own good.
I've been in an uncharacteristic pro-Valentine's day spirit this week, so tell me this: a) If you could have anybody in the world ask you to be your Valentine, who would it be and why? b) Where would he/she take you for Valentine's Day? c) Would he/she bring you a gift? If so, what would it be?
Come on people. I know you are all a creative bunch.
I did kind of complete a task tonight...
19. Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do.
But, truth be told, it was not completely spontaneous (I had to get some encouragement), so I'm not going to count it. I allow myself no slack. It's a personality fault, I've been told. But it was very out-of-character. I hit on Josh Groban. Twice. Which, although unlikely, not the most unlikely thing about it. The joke involved (light) bodily-function humor (not trashy, mind you). Always prim and proper Jess is breaking out of her shell, ladies and gentleman. My mama would be so ashamed. But she doesn't need to know...
So, altough the task doesn't count as being completed, I feel a sense of accomplishment, even though I'm so tempted to delete the pick-up line out of embarrassment. In psychology, though, we call this a shame-attacking exercise. It's for my own good.
I've been in an uncharacteristic pro-Valentine's day spirit this week, so tell me this: a) If you could have anybody in the world ask you to be your Valentine, who would it be and why? b) Where would he/she take you for Valentine's Day? c) Would he/she bring you a gift? If so, what would it be?
Come on people. I know you are all a creative bunch.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Wanted: Tall, dark, and handsome, complete with a double cheeseburger and an Irish accent
So, I originally planned on being my usual cynical, hermit-esque self on Valentine's Day, but then I figured, "Hey, your goal this year is to change things up, get out of the ol' comfort zone. Get off your lazy butt and be proactive." So, I've decided to take applications for my Valentine for 2010. Questions cover everything from basic demographics to movies to pick up lines. So far, there have been two Valentine hopefuls: one has told me my eyes are pond-colored (I've yet to decide if that's a good thing or not) and one has decided my pet name should be Muffaletta. So... TELL YOUR FRIENDS TO APPLY!
Anyway, moving on to something a bit more serious... I am craving a double cheeseburger from McDonald's. I can almost taste those little onion bits and the slice of fake cheese half-melted over what may or may not be hamburger meat. Twenty more days. Actually, in about 5 minutes, it'll be 19 more days. Task 10 might be more difficult than originally anticipated.
Okay, so I'm not a romantic person by nature at all. Ask anybody who knows me really well. I hate food dates, I hate awkward situations, and I am not the kind of girl who is easily swayed by a Fabio look-alike with a box of chocolates in one hand and a dozen roses in another. However, I been searching iTunes today for some new music to get me through the next semester and stumbled across one of the most beautiful and yes, romantic songs I've ever heard. It's called "I'm Yours" by The Script. So, in the spirit of this week o' love or at least materialistic overindulgence of chocolate and red and pink confetti, go to iTunes, youtube, whatever and listen to it. Let me know your thoughts. Have I become hopelessly romantic and sappy in my old age?
"I'm Yours" by The Script (P.S. I'm pretty sure they're Irish. Yay.)
Anyway, moving on to something a bit more serious... I am craving a double cheeseburger from McDonald's. I can almost taste those little onion bits and the slice of fake cheese half-melted over what may or may not be hamburger meat. Twenty more days. Actually, in about 5 minutes, it'll be 19 more days. Task 10 might be more difficult than originally anticipated.
Okay, so I'm not a romantic person by nature at all. Ask anybody who knows me really well. I hate food dates, I hate awkward situations, and I am not the kind of girl who is easily swayed by a Fabio look-alike with a box of chocolates in one hand and a dozen roses in another. However, I been searching iTunes today for some new music to get me through the next semester and stumbled across one of the most beautiful and yes, romantic songs I've ever heard. It's called "I'm Yours" by The Script. So, in the spirit of this week o' love or at least materialistic overindulgence of chocolate and red and pink confetti, go to iTunes, youtube, whatever and listen to it. Let me know your thoughts. Have I become hopelessly romantic and sappy in my old age?
"I'm Yours" by The Script (P.S. I'm pretty sure they're Irish. Yay.)
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Heartbreaking News
Disclaimer: This post is a bit of a downer. If you're looking for a peppy, upbeat post, look elsewhere.
There was a shooting at a middle school near where I'm from today. A fourteen year old boy was shot in the head. He died this evening. It was a single incident and no others (from what I've heard) were injured. I saw some pictures of Todd Brown on a Facebook page dedicated to him and his family and began to weep. I had never met this boy or even heard of him, but my heart broke for him and his family. I do cry a lot, but not usually about incidents like this. My heart breaks and I feel sad, but never have I wept like this. I feel sick to my stomach about this whole situation.
I have recently been questioning whether my goal of researching adolescent antisocial behavior was worth pursuing, and this incident reinforced the goal. We can ask why things like this happen, but we must admit that we will never know while still on this Earth. But what we can ask and try to answer is how can we prevent such incidents, how we can aid others when such incidents happen, and how we can live our lives in a way that people feel they can talk to us when dealing with scary emotions that might lead to incidents like this.
I've really been musing over life in general lately. What is going to become of our society? My generation? I watched most of a musical my friend Creaves introduced me to entitled Tanz der Vampire, which takes place probably in the 1800's (I'm guessing). One of the main characters, Count Krolock (a vampire), sings a song talking about how people just feed their seemingly unending appetite. He says something along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing), "I have a prediction that in the next millenium, the god most worshipped will be the god of appetite." That really stood out to me. How true is that statement? Our society is one of entitlement and instant gratification. We want more, more, more. More for me. Less for you. God created us for the sole purpose of glorifying and worshipping Him. But instead so many just chase after a false god that leaves us empty and searching.
Hungry I come to You
For I know you satistfy.
I am empty
But I know Your love does not run dry.
So I wait for You.
Yes, I wait for you.
(From "Hungry" by Kathryn Scott)
Please pray for the Brown family and the students, faculty, and staff of Discovery Middle School, as well as the city/government officials who are working on this case.
There was a shooting at a middle school near where I'm from today. A fourteen year old boy was shot in the head. He died this evening. It was a single incident and no others (from what I've heard) were injured. I saw some pictures of Todd Brown on a Facebook page dedicated to him and his family and began to weep. I had never met this boy or even heard of him, but my heart broke for him and his family. I do cry a lot, but not usually about incidents like this. My heart breaks and I feel sad, but never have I wept like this. I feel sick to my stomach about this whole situation.
I have recently been questioning whether my goal of researching adolescent antisocial behavior was worth pursuing, and this incident reinforced the goal. We can ask why things like this happen, but we must admit that we will never know while still on this Earth. But what we can ask and try to answer is how can we prevent such incidents, how we can aid others when such incidents happen, and how we can live our lives in a way that people feel they can talk to us when dealing with scary emotions that might lead to incidents like this.
I've really been musing over life in general lately. What is going to become of our society? My generation? I watched most of a musical my friend Creaves introduced me to entitled Tanz der Vampire, which takes place probably in the 1800's (I'm guessing). One of the main characters, Count Krolock (a vampire), sings a song talking about how people just feed their seemingly unending appetite. He says something along the lines of (I'm paraphrasing), "I have a prediction that in the next millenium, the god most worshipped will be the god of appetite." That really stood out to me. How true is that statement? Our society is one of entitlement and instant gratification. We want more, more, more. More for me. Less for you. God created us for the sole purpose of glorifying and worshipping Him. But instead so many just chase after a false god that leaves us empty and searching.
Hungry I come to You
For I know you satistfy.
I am empty
But I know Your love does not run dry.
So I wait for You.
Yes, I wait for you.
(From "Hungry" by Kathryn Scott)
Please pray for the Brown family and the students, faculty, and staff of Discovery Middle School, as well as the city/government officials who are working on this case.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
I feel like I've been repeatedly run over by a steamroller.
Why must I be such an overachiever? I walked Saturday and Sunday for about 30 or 45 minutes, swam Monday, and took two, yes two, aerobics/"group fitness" classes last night (Hip Hop and Zumba). That was the breaking point, I believe. I am sore. I haven't been sore in at least a year. The fact that I'm sore around my hip (where I had surgery last year) but not in pain is amazing! However, I'm walking like an 80 year old, which is nothing new. It took me about 5 minutes to climb the stairs. "oh my, I hope I make it upstairs. What if my legs just give out? Will anybody find me?"
Hello, my name is Jessica and I'm pathetic and out of shape.
So, the plans to complete Task #8 (Memorizing 99 Luftballons) will have to be extended for another week. However, I have been living life sans fast food (Task #10- No fast food for a month) since Monday. I did eat a leftover buffalo finger from Zaxby (I splurged Sunday night in preparation for the next month), but I won't count that against myself, because I'm broke and thus need to be as thrifty as possible. I've been living off sandwiches and goat cheese nachos with salsa verde. *Insert comments about my weird eating habits.*
And in regards to the video documenting my completion of Task #14, I have continuously failed. I might have to resort to uploading it on youtube and then supplying a link. Do you people really want to see it? It's boring. I'm just spouting greetings in 10 languages. It's no sky-dancing-and-singing performance, or an eleven year old girl who gives Mariah Carey a run for her money.
Why must I be such an overachiever? I walked Saturday and Sunday for about 30 or 45 minutes, swam Monday, and took two, yes two, aerobics/"group fitness" classes last night (Hip Hop and Zumba). That was the breaking point, I believe. I am sore. I haven't been sore in at least a year. The fact that I'm sore around my hip (where I had surgery last year) but not in pain is amazing! However, I'm walking like an 80 year old, which is nothing new. It took me about 5 minutes to climb the stairs. "oh my, I hope I make it upstairs. What if my legs just give out? Will anybody find me?"
Hello, my name is Jessica and I'm pathetic and out of shape.
So, the plans to complete Task #8 (Memorizing 99 Luftballons) will have to be extended for another week. However, I have been living life sans fast food (Task #10- No fast food for a month) since Monday. I did eat a leftover buffalo finger from Zaxby (I splurged Sunday night in preparation for the next month), but I won't count that against myself, because I'm broke and thus need to be as thrifty as possible. I've been living off sandwiches and goat cheese nachos with salsa verde. *Insert comments about my weird eating habits.*
And in regards to the video documenting my completion of Task #14, I have continuously failed. I might have to resort to uploading it on youtube and then supplying a link. Do you people really want to see it? It's boring. I'm just spouting greetings in 10 languages. It's no sky-dancing-and-singing performance, or an eleven year old girl who gives Mariah Carey a run for her money.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Sidetrack: The Grammys

To all the critics, SHE KNEW EXACTLY WHAT SHE WAS DOING. She didn't pick this outfit out to blend in. Even if she tried to blend in, she'd skewer the person next to her. My question is how did she get TO the Grammys without making herself a shishkabob. There is no way she could have sat down in that thing. And might I point out the shoes. That takes some talent to walk in those things. I would fall flat on my face and skewer myself in the process. I am not generally a Lady Gaga fan, it is true, and I do not like this outfit as an outfit, but I do like that she has the guts to wear it. However, flash and smoke and mirrors gets old after awhile, Gaga. Keep that in mind.
Moving on. Did you see Pink's performance? Breathtaking. I've always loved her voice. It's lovely, yet rough, which, in my opinion, is a magical combination. The costume was a bit on the sketchy side, but I understood why they put her in it. The hours of rehearsals she must have gone through, and the CONDITIONING to strengthen herself enough to do that and sing at the same time. And it was so emotional and raw. I loved it. I was going to post the link to the video here, but due to copyrights etc, all I can do is encourage you to do some research for yourself. :D
Beyonce. Her performance blew me out of the water too, vocally. However, visually, it was a little lacking. I kind of hoped that the soldier-dudes would start dancing more or actually turn out to be females (since she was singing "If I Were a Boy."- which, by the way, is A LOT like a song by Ciara from a couple of years ago...). But Beyonce's voice is so strong, she doesn't need a lot of smoke and mirrors and knows it, I think. But if you're going to do a Grammys performance, either go all out or just stick with the bare minimum, no in-betweens.
Taylor Swift: sounds a lot older when her voice has been edited. And although I love the song "You Belong With Me" and generally like her as an artist (so talented and driven at such a young age), but the version she and Stevie Nicks sang made me think of gingham-clad bobble-heads. But kudos to her for winning her awards.
And can I just bask in happiness here for a minute?
Bon Jovi. How I love them. Livin' on a Prayer made me oh-so-happy. My classic rock side is now content.
Congratulations to all the winners!
I now quote a former teacher: "Thoughts? Feelings? Angry words?"
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