On a slightly more sane note, I have now eaten a rutabaga. I made turkey burgers and bought a rutabaga to go with them. Yes, I know that sounds like a bizarre combination, but fear not, dear readers, it worked out in a rather delicious fashion. I prepared it in a nontraditional manner (surprised? probably not).
* Rutabagas are root vegetables.
* They are usually boiled and/or mashed, or roasted.
* If roasted, they are usually combined with other root vegetables (parsnips, potatoes, carrots, and the likes, I guess)
* Rutabagas are not the easiest of the veetables to prepare.
I found that rutabagas are A) difficult to peel, B) covered in some kind of wax which really grossed me out, and C) are not a walk in the park to chop. So, in a problem-solving/lazy fashion, I sliced thin pieces and *drum roll, please* fried the things. Yes folks, I fried a rutabaga. Actually part of a rutabaga. I'm saving the rest for a later date, since fried anything is not so spectacular as a leftover.
And guess what, y'all. I LIKED it. Actually quite a bit. I dipped the rutabaga chips in a chili lime mayonnaise I had made to go with my Southwestern turkey burger. Quite scrumptious, if I say so myself. And, for proof that Task #2 is done, I took a picture of my meal.

And for your entertainment, here is A Touch of Grass performing "Rutabaga Boogie."
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