Saturday, October 31, 2009

Fictional Men That Make Me Swoon

So, back in high school, my friends and I used to make up top 10 lists and then commentate on each others' lists in order to pass the time. Currently, i'm talking to one of my high school friends and read her blog that listed the top 10 literary characters that she would date. I must say, it was so much more well written than when we were in high school years ago. So, with her encouragement, I will now attempt to write my own list. However, I am slightly tweaking the subject to include both literary and film characters.

The Top 10 Fictional Characters I Would Go Out With at the Drop of a Hat

10. Howl from "Howl's Moving Castle": Yes, Howl is an ainmated character. He is actually an anime character, which makes me sound like a total nerd. Whatever. If you haven't seen this movie, go watch it now. Howl (voiced by Christian Bale) is a tortured soul. He orignially starts out completely self-involved. However, once he meets the woman he's meant to be with, he begins to metamorphose into a compassionate, joyful man (well, man/monster). He is willing to put his life on the line for those he cares about. I cannot ignore the fact that he also has amazing hair. You laugh, but once you see the movie, you'll know what I mean.

9. Dr. Neil McNeil from Christy: I read this book this summer while recovering from surgery. I must admit I have not finished it (I have a hard time finishing books- long story). However, Dr. McNeil is the quintessential man's man. He's a doctor (instant hottness), but is not the typical socialite. His passion for helping the people of Cutter Gap, Tennessee is heart-warming. He is compassionate, yet has no tolerance for gossip or menial things. He is resrved, independent, and kind. And muscular. But mainly, kind.

8. Ferris Bueller: If you can't tell, I am a huge fan of the Brat Pack movies from the 80's. Ferris Bueller knows what he wants and goes for it. He doesn't just sit on his butt and wish. I mean, the whole climbing onto a float, singing Danke Shoen, and Shake It Up Baby while wearing a leopard print vest is, in my opinion, pretty darn amazing.

7. Lord Nicholas Devereaux from The Princess Diaries 2: I was afraid to admit this one. I am addicted to this movie, mainly because of Nicholas. He looks good in glasses and reads. He also is originally selfish and easily manipulated by his uncle, but throughout the plot, he slowly learns who he is and what he truly wants. His selfishness begins to melt into a caring, compassionate Prince Charming. I usually am attracted to more flawed, mysterious types, but I cannot escape his charm. Am I weak and cliche because of this? Possibly. I don't really care.

6. Edward Ferrars from Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility: Of all Jane Austen's female characters, I identify with three equally; Elizabeth Bennet, Fanny Price, and Elinor Dashwood. Elinor Dashwood falls in love with Edward Ferrars. Yes, it's true that he is engaged for a while, but it all works out in the end. He is loyal to his word, and yet works to win the heart of his true love. He yearns for the heart of the woman he is in love with. As my friend Christa says, "...he is honorable to a fault... almost at the cost of his own happiness." Nicely put, Christa. He is just a good guy all around. I think sometimes the good guys get pushed into a corner. So, I have decided to take Mr. Ferrars out of the corner and put him in the spotlight.

5. John Bender from "The Breakfast Club": This might be shocking, especially for those of you who know me. But, come on. He's mysterious, has great style, and isn't afraid to break the rules. Sure, he's not one to bring home to the parental figures (at least without getting them tipsy first), but he has character, courage, and a bad-boy attitude that is just plain sexy. Yes, I said it. Sexy.

4. Westley from The Princess Bride: In both the novel and the movie, he's a swashbuckling heartthrob. He fights for the woman of his dreams. He fights giants, psychopaths, gigantic rodents, and even death to be with Buttecup. That determination is definitely swoon-worthy. He's loyal, intelligent, and wears a mask. I have a thing for mystery.

3. The Phantom of the Opera (Erik): Mystery. I fall for mystery. And passion. This man is both mysterious and passionate. He is also wounded, which rounds out his personality, giving him depth and insight into the pains and struggles of life. A man who is not afraid of dealing with struggles is very attractive to me. I cannot handle a man who does not know how to deal with problems and pain. Erik's deep emotionality is quite alluring. And his musical talents are enough to make me swoon over and over again.

2. Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice: Mr. Darcy is the quintessential perfect/perfectly-flawed man. He is strong, prideful, and yet falls head over heels for an independent woman. He gives her her space, while still pursuing her, like a little love-sick puppy. Sure, he screws up some many things, but he fixes them in the end, quietly, with a sense of humility and decorum, which in my opinion is hot. Oh, and Pemberley definitely adds about 200 hottness points to his already overflowing hottie account.

1. Patrick Verona from "Ten Things I Hate About You": I was trying to think of my number one. I thought it would probably be either a Shakespearean character or a Heath Ledger character (not the Joker, though). It's actually kind of both. Patrick Verona is mysterious, flawed, and has a really hot Australian accent. He screws up, but he learns from his mistakes. He is not afraid to make a complete fool of himself to impress the woman he wants. He has a sweet side, although it is hidden about 90% of the time. He is intimidating to those who do not know him well, but turns out to be thoughtful and even sweet to the woman he loves. He is not static. Instead, he's layered, complicated, and has a whole slew of suprises up his sleeve.

1 comment:

  1. OH MY GOSH I cannot believe I left Westley off my list. Thank you for reminding me. I am shamed.

    I enjoyed reading this very much. :-)
