Saturday, October 31, 2009

Of geckos, flax seeds, and Halloween costumes

I have a gecko in my room. As I was opening my door, I saw a baby gecko dart in. Those things are super fast and therefore very hard to catch. I've caught one (while on crutches, might I add), but it was not easy. I have no idea where this gecko is. I have to admit I am a little nervous. I would prefer that I not wake up with a lizard in my face. Maybe I should try to convince my aunt and uncle to let me keep a cat in my room.

On another note, I tried a new food today. I guess it is classified as a food. Flax seeds. I've had them mixed in peanut butter and in cereal, but never by themselves. I bought a container of them the other day and just now got around to trying a spoonful. The result: decent for the first crunch, and then repulsive. In my opinion, they need to be smothered in some sort of sugar-based substance, such as honey or chocolate syrup. Speaking of chocolate syrup, I just recently bought Trader Joe's Organic midnight Moo, a fat free, sodium free "chocolate flavored syrup," after reading a review about it on It is quite fantastic. It says it's fat free, but I wonder if that's only if you follow the recommended serving amount (2 tablespoons). However, I don't think I am physically capable of consuming only 2 tablespoons of anything chocolate. In my chocolate milk, I prefer a little bit of milk and a whole lot of chocolate. I try to eat relatively healthy foods, but chocolate is definitely one of my weaknesses.

Moving on... Today is Halloween. I'm not a big Halloween person, but I do enjoy the dressing up part. When I was a kid, I loved getting candy and then setting up a trading booth to trade with my brother and neighbors. Two Tootsie Rolls for one Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Four Dum Dums for one Three Musketeers. Steep? Maybe, but as I said before, chocolate is my weakness and apparently always has been. I did not dress up today. Instead, I went to a birthday party for four of my non-related "cousins." They are all much, much younger than me and very sweet, well-behaved kids. I was one of the first few to leave the party, because I had to study. Also, because I felt awkward being the only 20-something amidst kids ages 12 and under and adults ages 35 and older. Also, since I'm the newest relative in town, I am the "conversation piece" of all the family get-togethers. Hopefully, this will pass soon.

Anyway... I was thinking of what or who I would dress up as if I actually had somewhere to go in a costume. Here are my top 5 choices.

5. A punk-rocker- This is very atypical of me, and would therefore be shocking to those who know me (and to myself if I were to look in a mirror). I've always wanted to dress like a rocker for a day, or even a few hours.

4. Helen of Troy- This is my go-to costume. I've dressed up like her before.

3. A ballerina- Again, a go-to costume. I've got all the stuff for it, including leg warmers and a tutu.

2. Taylor Swift- I've been told numerous times that I look like her. I promptly reply with, "No I don't. Taylor Swift looks like me. I was born first."

1. A nudist on strike- one of my friends dressed as this in college. You just layer on a bunch of clothes and carry around a side that says "Nudist on Strike." It is both hilarious and easy to put together.

1 comment:

  1. I admire your willingness to eat healthy things like flax seeds. I'm scared to death of these things, and I'm honest enough to admit to myself that junk food is my vice of choice. :-) Although I did have some organic all-natural fruit snacks that were nummy and delicious.
