Sunday, February 28, 2010

How Frankie Valli and the Navy Made Me Blush

I have tried to avoid embarrassment in my 23 years of life. I confess, this has been highly unsuccessful. Today was definitely one moment to go high up on my list of the more embarrassing ones.

I went to the Navy Sea Chanters concert today with my aunt and uncle (which was AMAZING- they are so talented). I was in an aisle seat on the 2nd row, stage left. BAD idea. Five of the male singers were singing songs from the musical "Jersey Boys" which are all songs orignially sung by Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. They started out with "Sherri Baby" and moved on to "Big Girls Don't Cry." I saw one of them look at me, which was originally nothing to make me too terribly nervous. But... then "Ragdoll" began, he grabbed a mic, and started walking toward the stairs, disappears, then appears on the floor, leaning against the wall, looking directly at me with this theatrical face. I just kept thinking, "Don't make eye contact. Don't make eye contact. Oh, no. Why is he walking toward me? What do I do? Could he catch me if I ran? What if I just slide down to the floor and hide under my chair? I wonder if anyone would notice." But, alas, he showed up right in front of me, followed by a video camera, so all options of escape were thrown out the window. He kept singing to me and even got down on one knee. Then, he stood up, offered his arm, motioned for me to stand up, practically pulled me to my feet, twirled me and kept on singing. So... I tried to kind of play along, and was okay until I realized he had started walking up the aisle, while I was still attached to his arm, so he continued singing as he pulled me along. Keep in mine, this was in the presence of probably 300-400 people and a video camera, which was might close to our faces. Oh, and I was as red as a fire engine. And shaking. Finally, he led me back to my seat for me to sit down, but not before he grabbed boh my hands, looked directly in my eyes and then backed away slowly. All very theatrical. All very embarrassing. All in front of my aunt and uncle and 300+ people. According to my aunt and uncle I have a new nickname. I'll give you one hint. I begins with an R and ends with an -agdoll.

So.... can this count for Task 39 (Make myself look stupid on purpose)? I mean, it originally was not on purpose, but I technically could have chosen not to stand up. Right? Or I could count it as Task 13 (Smile at a stranger.) What do the judges have to say?

And... for fun, here's the video version of the whole medley .
You can see how truly talented they are. These are the same singers from today's performance. "Ragdoll" begins around 2:20, but I definitely recommend watching it all. They are pretty funny and very talented. I should have done what the woman in this video did.

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