Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eh bien! Raise your berets to those Canaan Days.

So, the play is over and it went well. It was such a fun show. i played a chorus girl with a secret identity: I got to jump out of a closet in act two and announce that I was really Nicole Crandall, United States naval Intelligence, all the while holding a gun to a Gestapo agent's head. I also had a razor held at my throat, was thrown to the floor and tied up by a guy in drag, and did a little bit of singing in the meantime. And, in the midst of all the theatrical (planned) chaos, I completed Task 38: Perform (not including karaoke). Technically I performed about 10 times, so I think that task was well covered.

Task 35 (Tell someone the truth even though it is very difficult) is also done.

So, I know I'm incredibly behind, but I'm back now and motivated again. I'm choreographing the summer musical for the theater (Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat), whilst about to begin two summer classes, working on two research projects, my thesis, and my job. But I WILL complete tasks. My goal is at least one task per week, although I need to kind of reneg my rules and allow more than one task per week in order to catch up on my slackerness.

Oh! I almost forgot. Task 52 has officially begun. Touch all the bordering (ocean-based) bodies of water in America within 6 months of each other. I touched the Gulf of Mexico on May 8. That gives me approximately 5 more months to touch the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.


  1. Come to NC and we will take care of the Atlantic!

  2. My canaan days haven't begun yet...I don't get to enjoy them until July, when I'm done with my Arkansas days of Big River. :-( But I'm glad you're enjoying yours!
