Sunday, October 3, 2010

Proof! Aaaaand, I'm done. No more celebrity madness.

Confession: I'm not usually this celebrity-crazy. I don't care about tabloids or who's dating who or who gained 75 pounds in 2 weeks. It is none of my business. There are actually only a few celebrities (mostly musicians) who I atually like. Gavin DeGraw is on that short list. And it is very rare that I actually meet a professional musician. So, humor me for one more post while I post evidence.

So, here is proof that I met Gavin DeGraw (Task 6). He was so cool and easy going and agreed to take this picture even though nobody was supposed to be taking pictures with him. I was afraid the policewoman was gonna kick me. It's nice to know there are famous folk out there who aren't jerks to us commonfolk.

This is Mr. DeGraw's guitarist, Billy Norris. If I were friends with him, I'm pretty sure I'd call him Babyface Norris. He was really cool, too. The other band members weren't being social, so I guess they just missed out. ;)

I will now return back to the real world, where swagger is a myth, good music is difficult to find, and instead of concerts, lectures will reign supreme.

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