Monday, December 13, 2010

Ode to Perfect-haired Guitarists

Two nights ago I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert (Task 42). This was my fourth TSO concert, but I left feeling just as awed and shocked as the first time I saw them in 2007. This was the closest I've ever been to the stage though. My mom and I sat on the fifth row and could see their sweat, eyeliner, eyecolor, and inside jokes. I even remember seeing the conductor/guitarist say something to one of the singers, which made her lose her composure to the point she couldn't finish the song without laughing. But there were other singers covering for her. It was pretty funny.

Some might argue that Beethoven would roll over in his grave if he heard TSO's rendition of Moonlight Sonata or Requiem. I disagree. He was a rebel, an envelope-pusher. TSO is the same- they take timeless genius, such as Beethoven's music, and push the boundaries a bit more, all the while remaining true to the music. The viruosity of each musician's technique is jaw-dropping. I am still shocked by the perfection shown by the organ/piano player from the Ukraine (Vladamir?). He took perfect technique up a notch by adding personality. I had never heard the 2nd portion of Moonlight Sonata played that way before, and I will never hear it the same again. As a piano player, musician, and music-affecianado (or however on Earth you spell that), I am forever changed.

On a more superficial, fangirly note: the long-haired guitarists, bassists, and vocalists in their rock-tuxedos and chains made me giggle. One of the vocalists, Jeff Scott Soto, (a long-time favorite of mine) has super-long curly hair. During one of his epic solos, my mom leaned over and said, "You two could do a duet with your hair." Yeah...
And then he sang a song which almost made me cry called "Dreams We Conceive." Which brings me to my next point:

TSO is for all people. Granted, I would not recommend bringing your 6-month old to a concert. (Believe me. It happens.) And, some people might need to be briefed that this is not your stereotypical orchestra (TSO is listed under "Metal" on iTunes). I think the people behind me had no idea what they had gotten themselves into... But the music, the lyrics, the storyline behind each album and within each concert resonates with all different walks of life. As an artist soul, I often find myself getting lost within each album, crying over a lyric, and mesmerized by a new take on a familiar melody.

So, all of this to say, if you get a chance, go see them. You won't regret it.

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