Friday, February 11, 2011

Task 6: 100 Things I Want to Learn About- Part Two (26-50)

26. Wallace's Flying Frog
27. Strange ice cream flavors around the world... horseflesh ice cream? No thank you.
28. Firewalking
29. Whirling Dervishes
30. The Pig War
31. Greek priestesses
32. Oyster Shucking
33. Oligodendrocytes versus Schwann cells for neural recovery (Recommended by my biopsych professor)
34. Bird masks worn by plague doctors in the 14th century
35. Members of the Nazi SS had their blood type tattooed on their armpits. Another article here
36. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
37. The new fish species found at bottom of ocean near Antartica
38. Amok (or mata galap) in Malaysia
39. The legend of the Yeti
40. Myanmar
41. Vatican Secret Archives
42. Irish Elk (And here too...)
43. Leonor (Eleanor) of Castille
44. William James Sidis, possibly the smartest man in the world, and a child prodigy
45. Cranberry harvesting
46. Bikelophone
47. Bowafridgeaphone
48. Pearl diving
49. What to do if I ever meet the Queen
50. Liechtenstein

1 comment:

  1. Ok, when I read Myanmar, I literally burst into loud, obnoxious laughter. It's a Seinfeld thing. Elaine's boss gets burned out at work and just disappears and calls her from a payphone in Myanmar. He says "You'll most likely know her as Myanmar, but she'll always be Burma to me."

    Good stuff. Thanks for inadverdently making my day.
