Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pigs May Fly

I have not memorized the complete Nations of the World song. I am on Stanza 3 (Norway and Sweden and Iceland and Finland, etc. etc.). Please don't judge me. Comp exams (to continue on in my Master's program) are in t minus 4 days and counting, biopsych is currently eating my brain for an appetizer, and choreographing a musical ain't as easy as it used to be. Yes, I complain a lot. Yes, I blame my circumstances a lot. Yes, I make up excuses. However...

Through some new acquaintances formed at the theatre, I now have some tools to help me complete more tasks. I may have a way to meet a celebrity (a minor one, most likely, but beggars can't be choosers), I was told of a restaurant in town that serves escargot, and there is talk of ways I can touch the remaining two bodies of water that border the U.S hat I have yet to touch (I have touched the Gulf of Mexico's water, prior to a little mishap...).

If anyone knows of how I could meet, oh I don't know, let's say Josh Groban, let me know. However, pigs might fly or Alabama might get a good reputation before that happens, and the year is officially more than halfway over. I need to catch up!

1 comment:

  1. If you come to North Carolina, we can definitely do the Atlantic! Take a breath though and focus on school first. You can do it Jessica and it's not complaining ;)
