Monday, November 8, 2010

How about a little recapitulation?

So, it's November 8. That means I have 43 days to complete as many tasks as I can. I will be up front and tell you that I have decided to concede on some of the items, mainly the memorization-focused ones. But for now, I figured I'd recap the list and the tasks I have and have not completed.
Items I have completed are in bold.

1. Go on a picnic.
2. Eat a rutabaga.- I fried it. It was yummy.
3. Sing at a karaoke bar.- I'm dreading this task the most.
4. Take a morning yoga class that meets before 10 AM for a month.- I haven't found one of these classes yet. I could take a 7:15 am stretching class...

5. Read an entire book without skipping any pages in one week. (Must be over 150 pages).- I've tried and failed twice.
6. Meet a celebrity.- Twice! (Sonny Shroyer and Gavin DeGraw)
7. Go horseback riding (when cleared by doctor).- Probably not a good idea just yet.
8. Memorize 99 Luftballoons (in German).
9. Introduce myself to a random stranger.
10. Go 1 month without eating any fast food.
11. Audition for something.

12. Create a work of art.
13. Smile at a stranger.
14. Memorize how to say "hello" in ten languages (not including English, Spanish, French, or Pig-Latin).

15. Watch The Wizard of Oz to the Pink Floyd's" Dark Side of the Moon" album.
16. Teach someone how to do something.
17. Learn how to play a new game.
18. Go on a road trip.
19. Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do.
20. Secretly make someone's day brighter.
21. Go on a good date.
22. Eat an entire grape tomato.

23. Memorize the entire Animaniacs Country Song.
24. Write a letter to a person in the military.
25. Go two weeks without buying anything other than necessities.
26. Have a jam session.
27. Learn how to play chords on the piano.- I haven't written about this, because it's in progress. I can now play a C minor chord, as well as most of the basic chords.
28. Visit someone in a nursing home.
29. Show someone appreciation by more than just saying "thank you."
30. Make a loaf of Challah bread.
31. Volunteer.
32. Win.

33. Lose.
34. Tie.
35. Tell someone the truth even though it is very difficult.
36. Babysit.

37. Master the Moonlight Sonata. All of it. Up to speed.- I've tried and tried. I have about 2/3 of it down...
38. Perform (not including karaoke).
39. Make myself look stupid on purpose.
40. Go somewhere secluded and yell at the top of my lungs.
41. Learn how to belly dance

42. Go to a rock concert.- This December. Trans-Siberian Orchestra. FIFTH ROW!
43. Learn how to whistle.
44. Go to a lecture on something other than psychology, dance, or the arts and stay awake for the whole thing.
45. Go to bed before 10pm four nights in a row.
46. Ride in a grocery cart.
47. Learn how to play backgammon.
48. Eat escargot.
49. Eat a piece of sushi previously thought of as revolting.
50. Learn how to yodel.- In progress
51. Beat a video game.
52. Touch all the bordering (ocean-based) bodies of water in America within 6 months of each other.- In progress

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