Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Whistle While You Work- Task #43

I played the flute for a long time, but could never whistle. Ironic, isn't it? I did a tiny bit of research to see what the general consensus of the Google community was in regards to whistling being of the genetic skill set. Apparently, it is not genetic. So, I have no excuse but to try to learn. I have actually been practicing off and on for a few weeks. But today, I searched "how to whistle" and the following sites were two that were actually somewhat helpful:

I love that in the instructions, the writer tells you to wash your hands first. Classy.
But I tried the first kind and gagged repeadtedly, so I tried the second kind of whistle and had a bit more sound and a lot less gagging.

This is through the BBC. So, it automatically gets 1,000 extra cool points.

And just for entertainment value, this video is a) British and b) uses the techniques described on the first website listed above.
I still cannot whistle like a pro or even an amateur, but I can now finally get what ever-so-slightly resembles a tone. I'll keep practicing.
So, there! Task #43 is done!

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!

    According to Sondheim, Anyone Can Whistle. I always thought this was a bit of an overgeneralization, but perhaps you can take it as a positive statement. You know, like Yay, you can do it!!
