I do not yell or scream. It is almost virtually impossible for me to do either. When I ride rollercoasters, I laugh. If I'm mad, I raise my voice, but I don't yell or scream. If I'm scared, I gasp or hyperventilate. I don't yell "Marry me" to celebrities (although I might ask them politely). I just don't yell. I think some bad experiences with cheerleading scarred me for life.
I also tend to be bottled up when it comes to intense emotions. I find that I'm often afraid to let them out. Catharsis is a scary process. So, this task was actually one of the few that I was dreading the most, believe it or not.
Okay, now for the story.
Finding a secluded place, even in the middle of nowhere, is more difficult that I originally thought. My operational definition of "secluded" just meant it had to be away from the main town and I could not be able to see any buildings or people. I decided to go northwest-ish from town and came across roads like Snake Nation and Chug-a-lug. (Yes. I'm completely serious.) After getting myself lost and into what I later found out to be a dangerous area (that's another story...), I finally found a dirt road that seemed to lead nowhere. There were some houses near the entrance, but just a little further down, I could see only road (which was only wide enough for one mid-sized vehicle) and fields and forests.

So... I got out of my car, yelled as loud as I could make myself, which was probably about 75% volume, because, as I mentioned previously, this was rough country and I was afraid of getting shot. Seriously. So, I didn't want to disturb the residents. I actually yelled about 2 or 3 times, because once I got back into my car, I felt that I could yell louder so I did.
Oh, did I mention this was the day after my birthday? I decided if there was a perfect day for a cathartic experience, the first day of a new year of life would be it.
Anyway, I did it and it was a challenge, but I felt better afterward.
Does anybody else have difficulty yelling? Or am I just strange?
Yelling is a bit of a challenge...I can raise my voice, but getting above a certain level is hard.
ReplyDeleteBelting, on the other hand, has never given me any problems. :-)