Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello! Task #14 is Complete!

Okay, Task 14 is done! I have it documented on a video, which I am currently trying to upload. Here are some cool facts about some of the greetings I learned.

*Did you know that Lithuanian is a very difficult language? There are different greetings for different times of day (including evening and night) as well as for different ages and genders of people.

*Punjabi- Sat sri akal. This is a greeting used among Sikhs. Greetings used in Punjab (the language) depend on the religion of the one being greeted. The entire phrase is "Jo Bole So Nihaal, Sat Sri Akaal," which essential means, "Blessed is the person who says "God is Truth." Sat sri akal/sat shri akaal is such a commonly used phrase (such as our "Hey" or "How are you?") that is is often used in shorthand as SSA when used in text messages, emails, etc. (

*In Punjabi, if speaking to a Hindi person, the greeting is "Namaste" (the phrase often used in yoga).

*Welsh- Shwmae
Thanks to Gillian for helping me learn how to pronounce it correctly!

*Yiddish- sholem aleikhem (Translation: "May peace be unto you.")


  1. Where's the video?? We want documentation!

  2. I've tried to upload it twice. I'll keep trying. I'm new at this whole video-blog thing.
