Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Task #9- Introduce myself to a complete stranger (1 out of 52)

Ok, so I have decided to refer to each task by it's original number. I think. I might change my mind once again.

I actually technically completed 2 tasks this week (Learn a new game) because my friend taught me how to play a couple of video games. However, I did not play much of either, so I will wait to complete that task when I play a full game.

As for Task #9, it came about in a different way than expected and at a really cool time in my life.

I was on my second airplane ride of the day, as I was going to Chicago to visit a friend, and the guy next to me asked me if I had ever ridden AirTran before. "I'm not sure. I don't think so." "Me neither," he replied. We continued talking and he told me he is originally from Ghana, has been studying in America, and is working toward becoming certified as a pilot. Midway through the very full conversation, we exchanged names (he initiated it, but I still technically introduced myself to a random stranger). It was so interesting, because, although his life is much different than the main character's in the book I've been reading (Dave Egger's What is the What), he still has much more insight about living in Africa than I ever would.

I love it when life throws surprises like that!

I still have two days left in my week, so I might try to complete another task, since I'm behind... One down, fifty-one to go.


  1. That's really cool! I love when things just "happen" to coincide :)

    Also, I would count learning those video games, even if you didn't play much. You learned how, right? ;-)

  2. True, but I already said I wouldn't count them... I can't go back on my word. I'm sure I'll regret it come about August, when i'm frantically trying to complete tasks.
