Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pardon the Blandness

To satisfy my seemingly constant need for change, I've been searching for a new template. And that lime green was grating on my nerves. I love green, but there's gotta be some limits, right? I have yet to decide on one, and due to sheer exhaustion, have settled on this stark white template temporarily. I know, I know. It's about exciting as a denture commercial, but I promise, it will not be here long.

In more exciting news: I saw a van full of Girl Scout Cookies today. Is it really Girl Scout cookie season? I wants me some Thin Mints and Samoas. Me want cookies. Me don't need cookies. Me need celery and broccoli and healthy food.

Speaking of healthy food, I have gone 24 days sans fast food (excepting two excusable, previously mentioned detours). I was walking into the house and smelled French fries. I don't even like French fries all that much, but my hiatus from McDonald's and Friends seems to have brought about olfactory hallucinations. In all honesty, the positive impact this fast food-free life has done on my wallet and my health has really caused me to consider nixing fast food all together (except in some situations, i.e. travel). I generally eat like a health nut, but my frantic schedule had me thinking I only had time for drive thrus. That's a lie, my friends. A lie! It is a) much cheaper and b) not very time-consuming to go grocery shopping and prepare easy to grab meals that are far less likely to cause cardiovascular disease or some extra poundage.
Four more days until the task is complete, but I may have a new lifestyle change. Sorry Mickey D's. It's not me. It's you.
On a similar note: I've been considering venturing into quasi-vegetarianism for one month on a trial-basis. I've been researching it for about 6 months now. Any thoughts? Experiences? Suggestions? Warnings?

Oh! Before I forget! I went up on pointe shoes today for the first time since possibly 2008 or early 2009. The class I assist began lectures on ballet, so my boss asked me to bring the ol' pointe shoes and put them on and flitter around stage. It was great, except that my boss literally had to support me while I was on my toes. Someone told me today, "Hey! That's cool that you did that. I bet the students really enjoyed it." But, I'm pretty sure they were waiting for me to fall off the stage. It's all for the sake of academia.


  1. check out Granted, most are pretty girly but fun!

  2. I was going to comment on the nice, clean look of this template, but as I kept reading, my only thought was "wow, all this white is burning my retinas!" Just sharing :-)

  3. Change is a-coming. This white is, indeed, very harsh on the retinas. And I've been looking at the link you suggested, Sarah. As you know, I'm not too big into super-girly designs, but they've got some cute templates. One day I'll get the motivation to change it. Our retinas must be protected.
