Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Statistics is not My Friend

Well, yet again, I slacked off on Task #8 (or was it #10?) The 99 Luftballons one. Before you judge me, let me plead my case. All three of my professors have decided to ignore the fact that we all have LIVES outside of graduate school, let alone classes other than theirs, and have instead decided to focus on piling on insane amounts of work due in short time periods. I cannot complain, really. I guess it could be much worse. But, needless to say, this week has kept me on my toes. For example, for the past 3 hours, I've been working on an annotated analysis of a 2-way ANOVA between-subjects design. I know. Fascinating. I've about come to the point where I have to manually hold my eyelids open in order to focus on it anymore. Thankfully, it's almost finished and not due til tomorrow afternoon, so there's still time.

I did kind of complete a task tonight...
19. Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do.
But, truth be told, it was not completely spontaneous (I had to get some encouragement), so I'm not going to count it. I allow myself no slack. It's a personality fault, I've been told. But it was very out-of-character. I hit on Josh Groban. Twice. Which, although unlikely, not the most unlikely thing about it. The joke involved (light) bodily-function humor (not trashy, mind you). Always prim and proper Jess is breaking out of her shell, ladies and gentleman. My mama would be so ashamed. But she doesn't need to know...
So, altough the task doesn't count as being completed, I feel a sense of accomplishment, even though I'm so tempted to delete the pick-up line out of embarrassment. In psychology, though, we call this a shame-attacking exercise. It's for my own good.

I've been in an uncharacteristic pro-Valentine's day spirit this week, so tell me this: a) If you could have anybody in the world ask you to be your Valentine, who would it be and why? b) Where would he/she take you for Valentine's Day? c) Would he/she bring you a gift? If so, what would it be?
Come on people. I know you are all a creative bunch.


  1. I think you could have counted it. If you get behind, I think you should remember this. :-)

    And to answer your question:

    A- If a real person, Josh Groban because he is my official celebrity crush and there are no men in my life. If fictional, probably the vampire Lestat, because he is the king of romanticism and filthy stinking rich.
    B- Josh and I would probably hang out, maybe watch the DVD of Sweeney Todd (cuz it's hot). Lestat and I would go to France. He's impulsive like that AND he can fly.
    C- Josh is probably the low-key kind of guy...perhaps he would play me "Not While I'm Around" on the piano? And Lestat would probably give me something immeasurably priceless like the shroud of Tourin. Again, because he's like that.

  2. Got to be cheesy:
    1) My husband. He is currently promised to be Karen's (a friend from preschool) Valentine forever.
    2) Melting Pot (the cheese) and stay in the Umpsted hotel, the only 5 star hotel in NC. Oh, and the crate and barrel outlet.
    3) The red roses with the dark stripes on them but only one since it is our first Valentines and a card because I've saved every card he has given me and I'd love one from our first Valentine (he might need some more hints)

    So that's mine. Could it be more girly and mushy?

  3. Creaves- I might count it. I'm getting desperate for task completion. The shroud of Turin?? That's way better than a box of chocolates.

    Mrs. H- The fact that you include Crate and Barrel in your idea of the perfect Valentine's date makes me miss my roommate. And keep hinting. He will get the hints before long. Or you could just write it on the mirror in Magic Marker.
