Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Dear Readers,

I'm dumbfounded.

Really. Aren't you supposed to feel rested after a week of doing practically nothing???? Then why do I feel like I haven't slept in a fortnight? That's right. A fortnight. Lack of sleep brings out my fondness for old words.

So, I need to start on a new task. And for this week, I have decided to let you, my readers, vote. We live in a democracy, do we not? Here are the electoral candidates:

Behind Door #1: Memorize the entire Animaniacs Country Song (Task 23).
Behind Door #2: Smile at a stranger (Task 13).
Behind Door #3: Eat a rutabaga (Task 2).

Obviously, this means that you have to vote. Exercise your right to vote. Let your voice be heard.

But... if you're typically one to follow the crowd, you might enjoy this little video.


  1. Animaniacs. They will get my vote every time.

  2. LOVE the video. I'm still snickering.

    As for the tasks... smiling at a stranger is by far the easiest, for me. But it might be good to go ahead and get the rutabega out of the way?
