Thursday, March 25, 2010

Kiss of the Spider Woman

So... I might possibly have another animal bite to add to my list (For those of you who don't know, I have been bitten by MANY animals, so might say too many. It is a burden I must bear, I guess.). Doctor appointment tomorrow will tell, hopefully. If I start being able to shoot webs out of my wrists, it will be a definite answer to my question. And an explanation to why I have had zero energy.

Remember that I mentioned I auditioned for a play as part of Task 11? Weeeellllll...

I GOT THE PART! The one that I wanted. The play is The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 and I have been cast as Nikki Crandall. I'm sure this goes without saying, but I am extremely excited. It would show more if I had energy. Stupid spider or virus or whatever is making me sick.

So far, the votes are tied (See previous post). And I've only gotten two, or possibly three, votes on what task I should attempt to complete this week. Come on, people. This is your chance to be decisive! Maybe this video will urge you to take action and vote. (Please be warned, it's not G-rated, but it makes a good point. According to its description on YouTube: "You're neighbors are voting. You're not. That could be a problem.")

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