Tuesday, March 30, 2010

You want me to do what?!?!

Tonight was the read-thru for the play. This is going to be a highly entertaining next month and a half. It was so wonderful to be in the circle of actors and directors onstage reading the script, laughing at the staging directions and surprises hidden in the script. I've missed the theatre and am uber-excited to be involved with it again. We've always had a little flirtation going on- I'd choreograph a musical, land a part by a fluke as a last minute replacement, or I'd be cast as an improvisational role. But this, this is different. This is going to be fun. Well, most of it...

I found out tonight that my character frisks a grown man. Y'all, jewelry commercials make me blush. It is going to take some practice to keep my composure and not be embarrassed to the point of turning purple. But then, I guess I should just remind myself that I don't have it as bad as some of the other actors. Let's just say that we all get our fair share of embarrassing scenes. I'll leave it at that, so as not to give anything away in case any of you ever see the show at some point in your lives.

Ok, moving on. In regards to task completion, i have decided to nix any memorization-oriented tasks until after the show. I've got a few weeks to memorize my lines, plus all the loads of psychological information I have to store in the ol' noggin, as well. So, I'm going to try to complete Task 2 again. (Eat a rutabaga.)

Okay, dear readers, here's the question of the day: What is the most embarrassing thing you had to do whilst performing?
So far, my most embarrassing onstage performance has been taking off a guy's jeans in front of an auditorium full of school-aged children. However, that may soon be trumped.


  1. Almost the entirety of my last role - an intergalactic man-eating zombie queen - was embarrassing! But fun, once I got over it ;-P

  2. Well...I have a few. In one show I had to make out with this guy, and in the scene his best friend walks in on us...that was pretty iffy. And then when I did Midsummer Night's Dream, I flashed the audience in one of the more physical scenes in dress rehearsal, so I wore shorts during the show under my toga. But that's different.
