Monday, February 15, 2010

Karaoke curling is my Olympic sport.

I have decided, due to an overload of information to process for an upcoming personality assessment exam, to postpone my attempt to memorize 99 Luftballons in German (Task 8) until later. So, in its stead, Task 2 is on the docket. I did some research and found out that rutabagas are around in the autumn and winter. I was also surprised to find that they look a lot different than I thought. I must have been picturing a rhubarb. Rutabagas are similar to turnips, so this should be interesting.

I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day yesterday. I ate way too much chocolate, and, as predicted, watched Hallmark movies. Those things are great targets for sarcasm and pent-up negative energy. One that stands out in my oh-so-cynical mind is about three very different sisters who all get engaged at the same time. It's very Father of the Bride-esque, except lacking in humor, good acting, and semi-believable plot. The sisters have a triple-wedding and chaos ensues (in a very controlled, family-friendly, Hallmark way). I think it's called "Wedding Daze." If you enjoy movies that subliminal feed the message that you should be married by the age of 25 or you won't be happy, watch it. If you enjoy making fun of such movies, watch it. If you have a low-tolerance for bad acting and ridiculous attmepts at plots, don't watch it.

Moving on. Did you all see the Chinese pairs team last night????? One of the most beautiful, emotional performances I have ever seen. They are going to perform last tonight for their long program. Call me unpatriotic if you will, but I'm rooting for them to win. They came as close to perfection as you can get last night. Now, believe me, I've been rooting for my home country, but talent is talent, folks. Ice dance, however, will find me hooping and hollering for the two American pairs who have a mighty good chance of winning.

Can you tell I'm loving the Olympics?? I've decided to invent snow ballet and karaoke curling, so that I can partipate in the 2014 Games. Shaun White, we will be friends.

1 comment:

  1. They were beautiful indeed! I'm glad they won :-D I'm so upset that a mandatory event tonight is keeping me away from the men's figure skating!

    (And my word verification was "spook". I don't know why, but I thought you should know that ;-P )
