Saturday, February 20, 2010

Yep. I still hate tomatoes.

Hello boys and girls. How's your week been? Olympics have been great, have they not? And my prediction regarding Men's Figure Skating came true! Maybe I should go into sports betting... Yay Evan Lysenchek!

This week has been one for the books, I fear. I literally had a nervous breakdown over an online class. Yes, I know. Pathetic. However, the weekend is here, I slept in until the afternoon, I'm currently half-watching Notting Hill (LOVE HUGH GRANT) and...

I completed a task!! Probably the most revolting of all the tasks on the list. I was at a get-together for the clinical psychology program and there they were... a whole slew of grape tomatoes. I would have much rather eaten the rutabaga I've been blogging about for weeks now, but I have yet to get around to the grocery store to see if I can actually find a rutabaga in this town. Literally, grad school has been eating all my time. BUT I did eat an entire one of those awful grape tomatoes (Task 22). Y'all, it was disgusting. Don't believe me?



It took about 4 hours to get the taste out of my mouth/mind. If I didn't have a psychologically-based taste-aversion to those disgusting things before, I sure do now.

Ok, class, let's review:
#9- Introduce myself to a random stranger. DONE
#10- Go 1 month without eating any fast food- IN PROGRESS

I have a confession. I accidentally ate a barbeque sandwhich from DQ tonight. Mid-way through, I realized my mistake. HOWEVER, I did not get it myself. My uncle asked me if I wanted him to get me one when he went out for them, and in the mindset of "I'm broke and love free food" I automatically said, "Yes please." SO, since I didn't actually purchase it myself and in the spirit of frugality, I'm going to let it slide. As my panel of judges, is this okay?
#14- Memorize how to say "hello" in 10 languages. DONE
I will eventually get around to posting the video on youtube or something. I promise I completed this task, but the video is boring, I'm not going to lie. However, I have been told it is needed as evidence. Oh, ye of little faith.
#19- Do something completely spontaneous that no one would ever expect me to do. DONE (I think)
#22- Eat an entire grape tomato. DONE
#24- Write a letter to a person in the military. DONE

6 down. 47 to go.

Question of the day: What's your favorite Hugh Grant movie? My answer: it's a tie between Sense and Sensibility and Two Weeks Notice, with Music and Lyrics right on their heels.


  1. TWO WEEKS NOTICE!!!!! As much as I love Sense and Sensibility, I have a hard time classifying it as a Hugh Grant movie, as he's only in the beginning and end.

    And I think that's fair about the BBQ. As a likewise broke young person, I think any offered food should be taken in the spirit in which it's given.

  2. Also, I too am watching Notting Hill.

  3. Agreed, let the BBQ slid, it's free food and you are poor...
